Now May Be the Best Time to Buy North Carolina Waterfront Real Estate - Business Magazine Online

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In spite of what sellers may have been told, the fall and winter may be the ideal time to look into buying waterfront real estate for sale Wrightsville Beach NC. Homes tend to show better in the spring and summer when the plants are blooming and you can see the fun other people are having, as well as traffic patterns and where crowds tend to be. On the other hand, buying in the “off season” allow you to see the property from a clear and uncluttered perspective.

The seller may be more motivated    
One reason an “off season” sale may be to your benefit is that the seller may be ready to reduce the price to complete the sale, especially if the home has been on the market for a while. If the seller priced the property too high to begin with, now is the time the agent should be suggesting a change and that may make the home fall in line with comparable sales. The seller may also need to get out of the house and selling it is a better option for them than renting or leaving the property sit vacant until the next summer.

Your circumstances may be saying the time is right
This can happen at any time of the year, but coupled with the previous discussion, now may be the ideal time to take the time to check out waterfront real estate for sale in Wrightsville Beach NC.
§  You are financially ready for a vacation home.
§  You are interested in an investment property that you can turn into a retirement home.
§  You need a tax break – the mortgage interest deduction can help offset income.
§  You prefer to be an owner than spending the amount of the mortgage and upkeep on yearly vacations to different locations.
§  You plan to own the property at least until the appreciation covers your transaction costs such as real estate commissions, mortgage fees and closing costs.

Things to check with your agent
Unless you really have done your homework and know the area well, your best course of action is to hire a real estate agent. David Benford Real Estate has been handling waterfront real estate for sale Wrightsville Beach, NC for many years and can help with the leg work and due diligence it takes to get the best price for the property you want. This highly capable staff will compile comparable listings so you can see the price trends for similar properties as well as provide valuable background knowledge about the area and the general real estate trends. With highly qualified professionals on your side, buying a waterfront property should be a dream come true.

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